Monday 7 April 2014

Core: Lens (Texture, Line & Pattern)

The position and the formation of the cars in the carpark create the line in this photo.

The roughness and the different type of bark on the tree is the texture of the wood.

The side of the staircase has a rectangle shape which makes the pattern in this photo.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Core: Image

“Imagine a city where graffiti wasn't illegal, a city where everybody could draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases. Where standing at a bus stop was never boring. A city that felt like a party where everyone was invited, not just the estate agents and barons of big business. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall - it's wet.”

Banksy, is my favourite stencil artist and the reason for this is because he comes up with wack stencils. Banksy's mature woks are characterized by a playfully antiestablishment, anticonsumerist message, and often interact with existing architectural features, street furniture, and other graffiti. Another thing i like about this artist is that he has his unique way of graffiti, everyone knows if the work belongs to banksy or not. What i love the most is the message he is saying within these pieces of art works he does, some can be hilarious but they are also true.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Core: Lens

Panorama Shot
Today we went out into groups and took 4 photos and took them into photoshop and merged them together to create a panorama shot. This is my first time doing this and i found this pretty cool,  its good to do this if your camera doesnt take panorama photos.

This is my final, i just played around with the adjustments and made it black & white. i call this "Dark Sky" 

Core: Image

This photo is an example of bad photoshop, as you can see in the zoom up in the circle it shows a hand of a person who isnt in the photo. Used with a little thought, i found this photo hilarious. To have this photo in a magazine shows how unprofessional the editors are with an imperfect photoshop edit shot.
What i like about this is the way he used cutouts and pasted it on, also called a collage. Using different materials and creating human figures with them, this is a really smart way of art. Being creative within his own ideas of work. Steve Lovett inspires tho who like to collage, as for me collaging isnt one of my strengths in art but i reckon it still looks cool.
This image has been photoshopped and has been made into an abnormal photo of a human being, the eyes have been cropped and duplicated ontop of the original eyes and the opacity has been lowered abit creating the effect. This is a simple but an amazing photo done by Steve Lovett.

Images- Lens Photography

1 Shallow Depth Of Field

Deep Depth Of Field
My mistakes is that i thought it was a deep depth of field pictures, but got mixed up with the blur.

Blur Of Isolated Thing
This is also wrong because i had the background and still objects both blurred.

1 Frozen Movement

Core Skills: Building Images

Bree Dentice: Bunny Up-Chuck
I have chosen this art work done by Bree Dentice, the thing i like about this piece of work is the way she has a unique style and the use of sketch. It looks unfinished but thats just her technique of drawing. I love the way she draws because it is precise, neat and looks realistic. 

Greg Ruth: Seven Samurai
This work done by Greg Ruth is an eye catcher, the use of one colour but in different tones. I really love this picture because the way he perfects the use of dry brush and the way he comes up with these awesome looking characters. This work kinda relates to my style of drawing and it inspires me to push further on this skill and enhance it to make my paintings or drawings better.

Core Skills (Lens)

Direct Light 
This photo is using direct light as you can see that there is nothing between the person and the light (sun), therefore it creates a heavy shadow as you can see in the photo.

Diffused Light
This photo shows that the shadows on his face are lighter & softer and it looks like something is between the light and the person, making it a diffused light.

Reflected Light
This photo uses the light reflected from an object or a reflector to even out the lighting on the person.